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25 - 27 July 2024, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

It is an international conference in Asia Pacific region, where the leaders are tasked with solving a global issues though research, presentation, and make suitable resolution for the world problems.

Conference Session
Meet International Speakers
Elevate to another Level
Global Networking
More than 20 Countries
Awarded as the Asia Pacific Leaders

APLS 2024

Having a major success in organizing the second Asia Pacific Future Leader Conference in 2017, we are proud to bring back the most awaited international youth event of the year in Asia Pacific region in the end of this year. APLC 3.0  finally back with more challenging topics yet very relatable with the world current issues which is “Leaders in World 2030”. This conference offers full of inspiring talks by renowned international expert on Global Challenge, exciting cultural exchange sessions and a comprehensive leadership training that emphasizes on 5 APLI leadership qualities which are critical thinking, problem solving, time management skills, public speaking and negotiation skills as well as problem solving and decision making skills.

“Challenges and innovation are the keys to building the future.”

Participant Requirements

  • Youth age 15 – 36 years old in Asia pacific countries
  • Having interest in Leadership issues
  • Good Attitude and Personality
  • Able to pay program fee
  • No English required


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